Important battles of Indian History

Important Battles of Indian history

327-326 B.C-alexander invades india.defeats Porus in Battle of Hydaspes(Jhelum) 326 B.C.

305 B.C-Chandragupta Maurya defeats the Greek king Seleucus.

216 B.C-The Kalinga war conquest of Kalinga by Ashoka.

90 B.C-The Sakas invade India.

A.D. 454-The first Huna invasion.

A.D. 495-The second Huna invasion.

A.D.711-712-The Arab invasion of Sind under mohammed-bin-Qasim.

1000-1027-Mahmud Ghazni invades India 17 times.

1191-First battle of Tarain,Prithviraj Chauhan defeats Muhammad Ghori.

1192-Second battle of Tarain,Muhammed Ghori defeats Prithviraj Chauhan.
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1194-Battle of Chandawar,Muhammed Ghori defeats Jayachandra Gahadvala of Kannauj. 

1294-Alauddin Khalji invades the Yadava kingdom of devagiri.First Turkish invasion of the deccan.

1398-Taimur invades India.defeats the Tughlaq Sultan Mahmud Shah.

1526-First battle of Panipat,Babur invades India and defeats the Lodi Sultan Ibrahim Lodi.

1527-Battle of Khanwa.Fought between Babur and Rana Sanga of Mewar.

1529-Battle of Ghaghra. Fought between  Mahmud Lodi and Sultan Nusrat Shah with Babur.

1539-Battle of Chausa.Fought between Humayun and Sher Shah Suri.Humayun was defeated.

1540-Battle of Kanauj.Fought between Humayun and Sher Shah Suri.

1545-Battle of Kalinjar.Fought between Sher Shah Suri and Rajput of Mahoba.

1556-Second battle of Panipat.Akbar defeats Hemu.

1576-Battle of Haldighati.Akbar defeats Rana Pratap of Mewar.

1658-Battles of Dharmat(April-May) and Samugarh(June 8),Dara Shikoh,eldest son of Shah Jahan,defeated by Aurangzeb.

1665-Shivaji defeated by Raja Jai Singh and treaty of Purandhar.

1746-1st Carnatic war.

1748-1754-2nd Carnatic war.

1756-1763-3rd Carnatic war.

1757-Battle of Plassey.Siraj-ud-daulah,the nawab of Bengal defeated by Clive.

1760-Battle of Wandiwash,in which the English under Sir Eyre Coote defeat the French under Lally
1762-3rd Battle of panipat.Marathas defeated by Ahmad Shah Abdali.

1764-Battle of Buxar.The English(under Munro) defeat Mir Kasim and Shuja-ud-daulah of Awadh.

1767-1769-1st Mysore war.

1775-1782-1st Maratha war.

1780-1784-2nd Mysore war.

1792-3rd Mysore war.

1799-4th Mysore war.defeat and death of Tipu Sultan.

1802-1804-2nd Maratha war.

1817-1818-3rd Maratha war.

1845-1846-1st Sikh war.

1846-Battle of Aliwal between English and the Sikhs.The Sikhs defeated.

1848-1849-2nd Sikh war and annexation of the Punjab to British India.

1857-The Revolt of 1857(1st war of Indian Independence).

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