

We,the people of India,having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic and to secure to all its citizens;
Justice,social,economic and political;
Liberty of thought,expression,belief,faith and worship;
Equality of status and of opportunity and to promote among them all;
Fraternity assuring the dignity of individual and the unity and the integrity of the nation.
In our constitution assembly this 26 of November 1949,do here by adopt,enact and give to ourselves this constitution.

*Idea of Preamble borrowed from constitution of USA.

*It is not justiciable,that is,its provisions are not enforceable in courts of law.

*The supreme court expressed the view that the preamble is the key to its makers mind.

*The word Socialist,Secular and "Unity and Integrity" of the nation were added by the 42nd amendment act of 1976.

Sovereign:Means the state has power to legislate on any subject in confirmity with constitutional limitations.

Socialist:Socialist aims to end the poverty,ignorance and inequality of opportunity.

Secularism:The constitution of India stands for a secular state.the state has no official religion secularism pervades its provisions which give full opportunity to all persons to profess,practice and propagate religion of their choice.

Democratic:The Indian Constitution provides for representative parliamentary democracy under which the executive is responsible to the legislature for all its policies and actions,rule of law,independence of judiciary and absence of discrimination on certain grounds are the manifestations of the democratic character of the Indian polity.

Liberty:The term liberty means the absence of restraints on the activities of individuals,and at the same time providing opportunities for the development of all individuals personalities.

Equality:The absence of special privileges to any section of the society.

Republic: republic means no room for hereditary ruler.

Justice:there are three types justice social political and economical
Social justice enables the courts to uphold legislation remove economic inequalities protect the interests of the weaker sections of the society.
Political justice:all citizens should have equal political rights.equal access to all political offices and equal voice in the govt.
Economic justice:Denotes the non-discrimination between people on the basis of economic factors.
It involves the elimination of glaring inequalities i  wealth,income and property.

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