Indian Constitution

Indian Constitution

The Regulating Act,1773
>Act provided for the centralisation of administration of company's territories in India.
>Governor of Bengal became Governor-General of Bengal.
>Supreme Court to be set up at Calcutta(1774).

The Pitt's India Act,1784
>Subordinated the Bombay and Madras Presidency to the Bengal Presidency in all questions of war, diplomacy and revenues.
>Strength of Governor-General in council reduced to 3.
>British Govt was given the supreme control over company's affair and its administration in India.

The Charter Act,1793
>This Act gave the power to the Governor-General to override his council. 

The Charter Act,1813
>The act provide rules and procedures for the use of Indian revenue.

The Charter Act,1833
>Governor-General of Bengal to be governor-general of India.
>William Bentick was the first  Governor-General of India.
>Law member added to the council of Governor-General.

The Charter Act,1853
>The act for the first time created a separate legislative machinery consisting of 12 members legislative council which came to be known as the Indian(central)legislative council.
>It introduced an open competition system of selection and recruitment of civil servants.
>Law member was made a full member of the executive council of the Governor-General.

The Government of Indian Act,1858
>It created a new office of Secretary of state for India.
>The Secretary of state was assisted by a 15 member council.
>Governor-General was to be called as the Viceroy.
>It ended the system of double government by abolishing the board of control and court of directors.
>The act known as the act for the Good Government of India.abolished the East India Company and transferred the power of government,territories,revenues to the British Crown. 

The Indian Council Act,1861
>Govt started associating Indians legislation.
>A 5th member added to the Viceroy's executive council.
>For legislative purposes,executive council of viceroy was enlarged by 6 to 12 members.

The Indian Council Act,1892
>Introduction of indirect elections for the non-official members of the imperial and provincial Legislative Councils.
>The councils at both level were to have the power of discussing the budget but not of voting.

The Morley-Minto Reforms
(The Indian Council Act,1909)
>Provision of indirect elections to the legislative councils introduced.
>Members in central legislative increased to 60.
>The members of the legislative councils of the different provinces enlarged.
>It introduced a system of communal representation for muslims by accepting concept of "separate electorate".thus Lord Minto came to known as the "Father of Communal Electorate"

The Govt of Indian Act,1919
(Montague-Chelmsford Reforms)
>Dyarchy(Govt by two independent authorities) system introduced in the provinces.
>Indian legislature became "Bicameral".
>Communal representation extended to Sikhs,Indian Christians,Anglo-Indians and Europeans.
>Establishment of Public service commission.
>It separated,Provincial budgets from central budgets.

The Govt of India Act,1935
Dyarchy introduced at the centre.
Establishment of a federal court.
Three fold division of powers-Federal,provincial and concurrent lists.
It provided for the establishment of a Reserve Bank of India to control the currency and credit of the country.

Indian Independence Act,1947
The British PM was clement Atlee and then viceroy of the India Lord Mountbatten,who had put forth the partition plan.also became the first Governor-General of free india.
It declares India as an Independent and sovereign state.
It assigned dual functions to the constituent assembly and declared this dominion legislature as a sovereign body.

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