Diversity in Living World

Diversity in Living World

It is basically the scientific arrangement of an organism in a specific hierarchical series of group on the basis of similarities and differences.

Basis of Classification
Classification is based on characteristics which occur in certain groups of organisms that make them different from other groups.

Objectives of Classification
There are some of the basic objectives which are made for the purpose of classification of organisms
i.To recognise and precisely distribute the basic units of classification on the basis of pre-decided characteristics of organisms.

ii.To devise an appropriate of assigning the basic units into an ascending series of groups on the basis of their similarities and relationship.

iii.To show the evolutionary changes of the organisms.

History of classification
i.Classification of organisms into viviparous(who directly give birth to young ones),oviparous(who lay egg) and minute animals.

ii.Hippocrates and Aristotle has distributed animals into major groups like birds,insects,fishes and whales.

iii.Pliny the Elder has given the new system of classification,i.e.,artificial classification and shown 1000 economic plants in his book 'Historia Naturalis'.

iv.John ray,in his books 'Historia Generalis Plantarum described more than 18000 plants and animals.He also introduced the term species for the categorisation of morphologically similar organisms.

v.Carolus Linnaeus has given the scientific system for naming species,called binomial system of nomenclature.
He also classified the entire organisms into two kingdom,plant and animal kingdom in his book Systama Naturae.He is known as "Father of taxonomy".

Categories of Classification
>two kingdom system was given by Linnaeus,i.e.,Animals and Plants.
>three kingdom system was given by Haeckel Animals Plants,Protista.
>Four kingdom system was given by  Copeland Animals Plants,Protista,Monera.
>Five kingdom system was given by RH Whittaker Monera,Protista,Fungi,Plantae,Animalia.

Hierarchy of Classification
The hierarchical system or a series of classification was introduced by Linnaeus but his series lacks two categories i.e.,phyla and families Ernst Haeckel,Robert Whittaker and Carl Woese distribute all living entities into broad categories called kingdoms.
Categories of hierarchy are given below

Binomial System of Nomenclature
-Carolus Linnaeus had devised a system of scientific or technical naming of plants and then animals.
-This technical naming system is named as the binomial nomenclature.
-In nomenclature first word indicate genus to which organisms belongs hence called generic name or generic epithet and the second word indicate the species of organism called specific name or specific epithet.
e.g., Canis  is the scientific name of dog(common name).

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