
>Proposed by Ernst in 1866.
>Includes the small,simple,microscopic organisms that are found everywhere as plentiful Prokaryote.
>Prokaryote are mostly unicellular organisms,which do not have a true nucleus and organelles.
>Eubacteria are called "true bacteria" because they lake includes bacteria,cyanobacteria of blue-green algae and mycoplasma,actinomycetes,rickettsia.

Characteristics of Monera
>One or single celled organisms which do not have membrane bound nucleus.
>Asexual reproduction by splitting of cells(binary fission) and by sporulation(by producing spores).
>Mode of nutrition can be autotrophic or heterotropic.

>Discovered by Antony Van Leeuwenhoek in 1683 and named by Ehrenberg in 1829.
>Basically unicellular.
>Found in all places where organic matter is present,i.e.,in water,soil,over and inside the organisms.
Shapes of Bacteria
Seven types
>Coccus(spherical or oval)

>Bacillus(like cylinder or rod)

>Spirillum(spirally coiled)

>Vibrio(curved like comma)

>Stalked(with a stalk)

>Budding(swollen at some place)


Characteristics of Bacteria
>They have thick cell wall(made up of chitin) and an inner cell membrane(made up of proteins and phospholipids.
>Most of them are autotrophic and some of them are heterotrophic.
>Bacteria may be saprophytic(derive food from dead plants and animals e.g.,Pseudomonas),symbiotic(derive food by living in the body of living beings or host,e.g.,Rhizobium)or parasitic(derive food directly from tissues of living plants or animals).
>Bacteria that live in liquids have long,thread like structures called flagella for rythmic movement.
>Perform respiratory activities by mesosomes.
>Some bacteria produce methane and co2 and known as methanogenic e.g.,methanococcus.
>Some bacteria have ability to live in salt rich media and impart brownish colouration to salt known as halophilic e.g.,halococcus.

Beneficial activities of bacteria
>Acetic acid bacteria(acetobacter aceti)oxidise ethyl alcohol into acetic acid.
>Ethyl alcohol is obtained from molasses.
Nitrifying Bacteria
>Nitrosomonas and Nitrococcus oxidise ammonium salts to nitrites.
Gobar gas Plants and manure
>Bacteria convert animal dung and other organic wastes into manure along with the production of fuel gas(methane).

Harmful activities of bacteria
Food poisoning
>Clostridium botulinum causes a disease,called botulism.
>common food poisoning is also caused by clostridium botulinum.
90% of human and animal diseases are caused by bacteria.
Spoilage of food
Saprotrophic bacteria cause rotting of vegetables,fruits,meat,bread.

>Gram positive bacteria
>Produce many commonly used antibiotics including streptomycin and tetracycline,one of the most common types of soil bacteria and also common in dental plaque.e.g.,Streptomyces,Actinomyces.

>These are the form of photosynthetic bacteria(gram negative).
>Common in both marine and freshwater environment.e. g.,Anabaena,nostoc.

>Primitive bacteria which mostly inhibit extreme habitats.
>three types Archaebacteria
    *Methanogens: Methane producing bacteria e.g.,Methanobacterium
    *Halophiles(marine bacteria):e.g.,Halobacterium and 
     *Thermoacidophiles(sulphur bacteria):e.g.,Sulfolobus.

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